Who's Got Good News?
Now on the news stand: Need an antidote to the 24 hour gloom and doom news cycle? Read my review of Steven Pinker's new book,...

Putting the Buddhism/Science Dialogue on a New Footing
Berkeley, CA June 17-26, 2017. I joined twenty scholars and scientists at Mangalam Research Center for Buddhist Languages for a ten-day...

Beyond the Hype: Buddhism and Neuroscience in a New Key
Columbia University, New York, NY November 11, 2016. I presented the paper "The Importance of Keeping Differences in Sight in Buddhism's...

Buddhism and Modernity: Conversations at the Edge
Mangalam Research Center for Buddhist languages, Berkeley, CA. June 7, 2015. I gave a talk at this panel presentation at the symposium...

NPR Interview: Buddhism and Science
Interfaith Voices interviews Linda Heuman and David McMahan about Buddhism and science. #NPR #interview #Buddhism #science