Linda Heuman is a writing consultant and an award-winning journalist who covers religion, science, and culture. She specializes in promoting understanding across difficult divides: between science and religion; between the humanities and sciences; between academic specialists and general audiences; between scholars of religion and religious practitioners; and between non-modern cultures and modern ones.
Heuman is a contributing editor at Tricycle: The Buddhist Review, where she writes about the transmission of Buddhism to the modern West. She introduces a Buddhist voice into current debates in public and scholarly life and brings those conversations to Buddhist readers.
In 2012 she was awarded a two-year John Templeton Foundation Journalism Fellowship to write a series of articles for Tricycle magazine. These articles challenged assumptions framing the contemporary dialogue between Buddhism and science and initiated groundbreaking exchange between Buddhist thinkers and humanities scholars. Heuman continues to foster this conversation in academia and the public sphere.
In 2017, Heuman covered the 33rd Mind and Life Dialogue with the Dalai Lama and developed the content for Mind and Life’s multimedia website Education of the Heart. At this Re-Imagining Human Flourishing conference, experts introduced His Holiness the Dalai Lama to cutting-edge research on the current public mental health crisis and showcased emerging social and emotional learning (SEL) interventions addressing early childhood development. Since then, Heuman has become curious about the intersection of healthy human development, trauma, and spiritual life. She is currently embarking on a new project to investigate the relationship between trauma healing and spiritual awakening. She has begun to initiate conversation between trauma experts and Buddhist teachers; to gather trauma resources for practitioners; to form a practice support group for Buddhist meditators to integrate trauma; and to convene dharma teachers who are pioneering embodied Buddhist paths.
Heuman is author of Shifting the Ground We Stand On: Buddhist and Western Thinkers Challenge Modernity (Tricycle eBook, 2018). Her freelance writing has also appeared in Penguin's Best Spiritual Writing, The Industry Standard, Stanford Magazine, Brown Alumni Magazine, Plenty, Buddhadharma Magazine, and Document Journal and has been translated into Portuguese, German, and Chinese.